Publications by Sergio
117. S. Pissanetzky
and D. Latypov. "Full featured implementation of quench simulation in
superconducting magnets." Cryogenics, Vol. 34, pp. 795-804 (1994).
116. S. Pissanetzky.
"Modern numerical techniques for high precision MRI magnet design."
9th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics. ACES,
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterrey,
California. (March 1993).
115. S. Pissanetzky.
"Comments on analytical computation of magnetic vector potential from
tetrahedral conductors." IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 29, pp. 1282-83
114. S. Pissanetzky.
"Structured coils and nonlinear iron." IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol.
29, pp. 1791-94 (1993)
113. F. R. Huson et
al., including S. Pissanetzky. "A high field superferric NMR magnet."
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 29, pp. 25-31 (1993).
112. E. Badea, P.
McIntyre and S. Pissanetzky. "Compact 13 Tesla dual dipole for future
hadron colliders." XV International Conference on High Energy
Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany (July 1992).
111. S. Pissanetzky
and A. Elekes. "A fast switching biplanar gradient coil with cylindrical
shield." Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 11th. Annual
Scientific meeting, Berlin, Germany (August 1992).
110. S. Pissanetzky.
"Minimum energy MRI gradient coils of general geometry." Measurement
Science and Technology, Vol. 3, pp. 667-673 (1992).
109. S. Pissanetzky.
"Structured coils for NMR applications." IEEE Trans. on Magnetics,
Vol. 28, pp. 1961-68 (1992).
108. P. Lee, J. E.
Pasciak and S. Pissanetzky. "Parallel computation of magnetic
fields." COMPEL, The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics
in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol 10, pp. 45-55 (1991).
107. R. Rocha, J.
Colvin, F. R. Huson, W. W. MacKay, Y. Miao, S. Pissanetzky, G. Shotzman and J.
Zeigler. "Superferric Correction Magnets Test Results." 1991 IEEE
Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, California, USA. May 6-9
106. F. R. Huson, W.
W. MacKay, Y. Miao, S. Pissanetzky and Y. Xiang. "Superferric Magnets for
Fast Levitated Trains." 1990 Applied Superconductivity Conference,
Snowmass Village, CO. September 24-28 (1990). IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol.
pp. 2269-71 (1991).
105. J. Colvin, F.
R. Huson, W. W. MacKay, Y. Miao, S. Pissanetzky, R. Rocha, G. Shotzman, Y.
Xiang and J. Ziegler. "Superferric Correction Magnets for the SSC."
1990 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Snowmass Village, CO. September
24-28 (1990). IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol. 27, pp. 1892-95 (1991).
104. S. Pissanetzky
and Y. Xiang. "Magnus-3D solution of Problem 13." Proc. European TEAM
Workshop and International Seminar on Electromagnetic Field Analysis, Oxford,
England, 23-25 April 1990, pp. 131-146. Published by the Commission of the
European Communities.
103. S. Pissanetzky
and Y. Xiang. "Analytical Expressions for the Magnetic Field of Practical
Coils." COMPEL, The International
Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Vol. 9, pp. 117-121 (1990).
102. S. Pissanetzky.
"Magnet Design in Three Dimensions." BUFFER, National Magnetic Fusion
Energy Computer Center, Vol. 13, p. 22-24, June 1989.
101. S. Pissanetzky
and Y. Xiang. "The Extended Two-Scalar-Potentials Formulation of 3-D
Nonlinear Magnetostatics." 3DMAG International Conference, Okayama, Japan,
September 11-13, 1989. COMPEL, The International Journal for Computation and
Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 9, Suppl. A, pp.
100. S. Pissanetzky
and Y. Miao. "3-D Accelerator Magnet Calculations using MAGNUS-3D."
Tenth Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry.
Denton, Texas, November 7-9, 1988. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research, Vol. B40/41, pp. 1000-1003 (1989).
99. N. Mahale and S.
Pissanetzky. "Recent Advances in MAGNUS Computational Technology for 3D
Nonlinear Magnetostatics." IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 35,
issue 11, pp. 2034-2038 (1988).
98. S. Pissanetzky
and P. Tompkins. "3-D Magnetic Field Calculations for Wigglers using
MAGNUS-3D." 10th. International FEL Conference, Jerusalem, Israel. August
29 - September 2, 1988. Proceedings published by North-Holland Physics
97. S. Pissanetzky,
M. Fan and W. Schmidt. "MAGNUS and the design of Shielded Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Magnets." Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A. August 22-26, 1988. Published
in the Book of Abstracts.
96. A. Ferrari and
S. Pissanetzky. "Recent extensions of the program MAGNUS-3D for
Three-dimensional Accelerator Magnetic Engineering." European Particle
Accelerator Conference. Roma, Italy, June 7-11, 1988. Proceedings, pp.
95. J. Colvin, H.
Hinterberger, F. R. Huson, W. MacKay, T. Mann, P. M. McIntyre, G. C. Phillips,
S. Pissanetzky, R. Rocha, W. Schmidt, G. Shotzman, W. Wenzel, W. Xie and J.
Zeigler. "The high field superferric magnet." Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research, Vol. A270, pp. 207-211 (1988).
94. S. Pissanetzky.
"MAGNUS: Accelerator Magnet Calculations in 3D." Workshop on Linear
Accelerator and Beam Optics Codes. La Jolla Institute, January 19-21, 1988.
93. M. Fan and S.
Pissanetzky. "Three-dimensional Magnetic Engineering: the programs MAGNUS
and EPILOG." Ninth International Free Electron Laser Conference.
Williamsburg, Virginia, 14-18 September, 1987. Nuclear Instruments and Methods
in Physics Research, Vol. A272, pp. 606-609 (1988).
92. M. Fan, F. R.
Huson, W. W. MacKay, S. Pissanetzky, R. Rocha, W. Schmidt, G. Shotzman, R.
Stegman, T. Mann and J. Ziegler. "Correction magnets for the
Superconducting Supercollider." 1987 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference.
Washington D. C., March 16-19, 1987. Proceedings, pp. 1675-1677.
91. S. Pissanetzky,
M. Fan, G. R. Kalbfleish and E. Whalen. "MAGNUS: a computer program for
3-D magnet design." 1987 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference. Washington
D. C., March 16-19, 1987. Proceedings, pp. 1678-1680.
90. S. Pissanetzky.
"Magnetic design of a flat-coil cosine-theta primary correction
package." Report TAC, Texas Accelerator Center (June 1986).
89. R. Carcagno and
S. Pissanetzky. "Numerical analysis of a loss of flow accident without
scram in an experimental 500 Kw pool type nuclear reactor." Nuclear Engng.
and Design.
88. R. Carcagno and
S. Pissanetzky. "The truncation of magnetization tables in the program
Poisson." Report TAC-1010/85, Texas Accelerator Center (1985).
87. S. Pissanetzky.
"The interpolation of magnetization tables." COMPEL, Int. J. for
Comp. and Math. in Electrical and Electronic Engng. Vol. 5, pp. 41-56 (1986).
86. R. Carcagno and
S. Pissanetzky. "A smooth magnetization table for 1008 steel at 4.2
K." Report TAC-257/85, Texas Accelerator Center (1985).
85. H. Bingham, R.
Carcagno, M. Davidson, H. Hinterberger, F. R. Huson, M. Kobayashi, W. W.
Mackay, S. Pissanetzky, R. Rocha, W. Schmidt and R. Stegman. "Design of a
superferric dipole
for the superconducting supercollider." VI Latin-American Congress on
Computational Methods for Engineering. Paraná- Santa Fé, Argentina. (15-18
84. S. Pissanetzky
and W. Schmidt. "Design of the dipole magnet for the C version of the
superconducting supercollider 20 Tev twin beam proton accelerator." IEEE
Trans. Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-32, No. 5, pp. 3740-3741 (October 1985).
83. H. Bingham, R.
Carcagno, M. Davidson, Hinterberger, F. R. Huson, M. Kobayashi, W. W. MacKay,
S. Pissanetzky, R. Rocha, W. Schmidt and R. Stegman. "The 3 Tesla
Superferric Magnet Option for the Superconducting Supercollider."
Cryogenics Engineering Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA. 12-16
August 1985.
82. S. Pissanetzky.
"The design of superferric magnets for the Superconducting Supercollider
and the new program MAGNUS for three-dimensional magnetostatics." COMPUMAG
Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields. Fort Collins,
Colorado, June 3-6 (1985). Published in IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol. 21, No. 6, pp.
2457 (1985).
81. S. Pissanetzky.
"Conductor misplacement." Report TAC-1218/84. Texas Accelerator
Center. (December 18, 1984).
80. S. Pissanetzky.
"Design of crenellated magnets." 8th. Conference Appl. Accelerators
in Research and Industry. Denton, Texas, Nov. 12-14 (1984). Published in
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. B10/11, 799-801
79. S. Pissanetzky.
"The new version of the finite element 3-D magnetostatics program
MAGNUS." Electromagnetic Computation Users meeting. Carnegie-Mellon Univ.,
Pittsburgh, December 13-14 (1984). Published in Computational Electromagnetics,
Z. J. Cendes (editor). Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (North-Holland), pp.
121-132 (1986).
78. S. Pissanetzky.
"A simple finite element." COMPEL, Int. J. Comp. Math. Electrical and
Electronic Engng. Vol. 3, pp. 107-114 (1984).
77. S. Pissanetzky.
"Remanent fields in the cold iron superferric magnet." Report TAC-1084-01,
Texas Accelerator Center (October 1984).
76. S. Pissanetzky.
"Forces on the beam pipe during quench." Report TAC-984-00, Texas
Accelerator Center (September 1984).
75. F. R. Huson and
S. Pissanetzky. "The three faced magnet." Report TAC-384-22, Texas
Accelerator Center (March 1984).
74. F. R. Huson and
S. Pissanetzky. "Persistent currents in a superferric magnet." Report
TAC-384-21, Texas Accelerator Center (1984).
73. F. R. Huson, W.
Schmidt and S. Pissanetzky. "Transverse crenellation of dipole
magnets." Report TAC-284-10, Texas Accelerator Center (February 1984).
72. S. Pissanetzky.
"Sparse Matrix Technology." Book. Academic Press, London (1984). The
book was translated into Russian and published by MIR in 1988.
71. S. Pissanetzky.
"KUBIK: a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator. User's
manual." Computer Phys. Comm., Vol. 32, pp. 267-279 (1984).
70. S. Pissanetzky.
"Automatic three-dimensional finite element mesh generation using the
program KUBIK." Computer Phys. Comm., Vol. 32, pp. 245-265 (1984).
69. S. Pissanetzky.
"Nice orthogonal matrices." Math. Magazine, Vol. 56, pp. 250 (1983).
68. S. Pissanetzky.
"The Rockbourne Challenge (from Argentina)." Finite Element News,
February 1983, issue no. 1, p. 37 (1983).
67. S. Pissanetzky.
"The Hannover Challenge (from Argentina)." Finite Element News,
August 1982, issue no. 4, pp. 16-17 (1982).
66. S. Pissanetzky.
"Temperature uniformization at the annealing furnace of Ezeiza." Atomic
Center of Bariloche, Argentina (1982).
65. S. Pissanetzky
and C. Slutzky. "Dimensionless analysis of radiative thermal transfer in
layers of cylinders." I Latin-American Congress on Heat and Mass Transfer.
La Plata, Argentina
64. S. Pissanetzky.
"New facilities added to the automatic generator KUBIK for finite and
infinite element meshes in three dimensions." III Latin-American Congress
Methods for Engineering. Buenos Aires, Argentina (1982).
63. S. Pissanetzky
and J. C. Utjes. "Calculation of normal vibrations of bars with multiple
constrains and variable cross-section by the finite element method." III
Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods for Engineering. Buenos Aires,
Argentina (1982).
62. S. Pissanetzky.
"Solution of three-dimensional anisotropic nonlinear problems of
magnetostatics using two scalar potentials, finite and infinite multipolar
elements and automatic mesh generation." IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol.
MAG-18, 346-350 (1982).
61. S. Pissanetzky.
"Cavitation produced by inverted impulsive flow in a heavy water
duct." Atomic Center of Bariloche, Argentina. Technical report (1981).
60. S. Pissanetzky.
"Cladding of a heavy water duct to reduce thermal stress produced by
variable temperature flowing liquid." Atomic Center of Bariloche,
Argentina. Technical
report (1981).
59. S. Pissanetzky.
"Numerical solution of the equations of magnetostatics in three dimensions
in the presence of arbitrary conductors and anisotropic nonlinear magnetic
materials." Annual meeting of the Argentine Physical Society. San Luis,
Argentina (1981).
58. S. Pissanetzky
and C. Slutzky. "Dimensionless analysis of radiative heat transfer."
X annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology. Bahía
Argentina (1981).
57. S. Pissanetzky.
"Solution by finite elements of the thermohydraulic equations of plane
creeping flow." X annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology.
Bahía Blanca, Argentina (1981).
56. S. Pissanetzky
and R. Roddick. "Thermal design of annealing furnaces for the nuclear
industry." Invited paper. Argentine Committee of Heat and Mass Transfer,
No. 8 (1981).
55. S. Pissanetzky,
H. Cingolani and R. Volpi. "Numerical modeling of high vacuum
furnaces." Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, edited by R. W. Lewis,
K. Morgan and B. A. Schrefler. Vol II, 862-872. Pineridge Press, U.K. (1981).
54. S. Pissanetzky.
"Computation using sparse matrices." Atomic Energy Commission of
Argentina, report CNEA-NT 20/81 (1981).
53. S. Pissanetzky.
"Model of a two-dimensional oil reservoir with vertical fractures and
production wells, based on a finite element formulation." Atomic Energy
of Argentina, report
CNEA-NT 15/81 (1981).
52. S. Pissanetzky.
"Modeling problems of plane incompressible flow without inertia term: the
program BIARMON I." Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina, report CNEA-NT
7/81 (1981).
51. S. Pissanetzky.
"Numerical quadrature in the finite element method." Atomic Energy
Commission of Argentina, report CNEA-NT 5/81 (1981).
50. N. Callwood and
S. Pissanetzky. "Automatic generation of two-dimensional enclosures
between bodies in contact." Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina, report
CNEA-NT 4/81 (1981).
49. S. Pissanetzky.
"Automatic solution of heat radiation problems in two-dimensional diffuse
gray enclosures." Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina, report CNEA-NT
3/81 (1981).
48. S. Pissanetzky
and G. Sánchez. "Research, developing and teaching of numerical methods at
the Atomic Center of Bariloche, Argentina." Finite Element News, Vol. 5,
pp. 21-25 (1981).
47. S. Pissanetzky,
R. Volpi, H. Cingolani and J. C. Almagro. "Numerical simulation of the
transient temperature distribution within the cladding material during
annealing in a high vacuum furnace." Nuclear Engng. and Design, Vol. 65,
pp. 141-150 (1981).
46. S. Pissanetzky.
" KUBIK: an automatic three-dimensional finite element mesh
generator." Int. J. Num. meth. Engng. Vol. 17, pp. 255-269 (1981).
45. S. Pissanetzky
and F. G. Basombrío. "On the numerical errors in one step algorithms for
time dependent problems." Num. Mathematik, Vol. 38, pp. 31-37 (1981).
44. S. Pissanetzky
and F. G. Basombrío. "Efficient calculation of numerical values of a
polyhedral function." Int. J. Num. meth. Engng., Vol. 17, pp. 231-237
43. S. Pissanetzky.
"Operations with sparse matrices." Invited paper. Annual meeting on
computation and systems. Central University of Buenos Aires Province, Tandil,
Argentina (1980).
42. S. Pissanetzky.
"Three-dimensional mesh generation." GFUN users meeting.
Westinghouse, Pittsburgh (1980).
41. S.Pissanetzky
and L. F. Ferrariis. "Solution of the Schroedinger equation by the finite
element method. Application to nuclear quadrupole resonance." Annual
meeting of the
Argentine Physical
Society. San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina (1980).
40. S. Pissanetzky.
"Infinite finite elements and numerical quadrature for infinite
intervals." Annual meeting of the Argentine Physical Society. San Carlos
Bariloche, Argentina
39. S. Pissanetzky.
"MAGNUS: Computer-aided design of electromagnets. Implementation of the
two-scalar-potentials method at the Central Scientific Computing facility of
the Brookhaven National Laboratory." Report BNL 28416 (1980).
38. H. Cingolani and
S. Pissanetzky. "Simplified model for the study of thermal control of a
high vacuum annealing furnace." IX meeting of the Argentine Association for
Nuclear Technology. San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina (1980).
37. S. Pissanetzky,
R. Volpi, H. Cingolani and J. C. Almagro. "Mathematical model and
experiments with a high vacuum annealing furnace for fuel cladding." IX
of the Argentine
Association for Nuclear Technology. San
Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina (1980).
36. S. Pissanetzky.
"An infinite element and a formula for numerical quadrature over an
infinite interval."GFUN users meeting, Westinghouse, Pittsburgh (1980).
Published also in Int. J. Num. meth. Engng., Vol. 19, pp. 913-927 (1983).
35. S. Pissanetzky.
"Numerical simulation of the transient temperature distribution inside a
close-packed array of cylindrical tubes during heating and cooling under high
vacuum." Nuclear Engng. and Design, Vol. 56, pp. 359-368 (1980).
34. S. Pissanetzky.
"Numerical modeling of electromagnets by the finite element method in
three dimensions." Brookhaven National Laboratory report BNL 26516 (1979).
33. S. Pissanetzky.
"The subdivision of space into elements." Brookhaven National
Laboratory report BNL 27073 (1979).
32. S. Pissanetzky.
"Gauss elimination with supersparse matrices." Brookhaven National
Laboratory report BNL 26773 (1979).
31. S. Pissanetzky.
"Solution of the differential equations of magnetostatics by the finite
element method for real electromagnets in three dimensions." Annual
meeting of the
Argentine Physical
Society. Córdoba, Argentina (1979).
30. S. Pissanetzky,
H. Cingolani and J. C. Almagro. "Numerical simulation of an experimental
high vacuum annealing furnace." Second Symposium on Numerical Methods in
Continuum Mechanics. Buenos Aires, Argentina (1979).
29. S. Pissanetzky
and F. G. Basombrío. "Round-off errors in one step methods for
evolutionary problems: an improvement of the usual algorithm." Fourth
meeting of Applied Mathematics. Santiago de Chile (1979). Published in Sigma
(Chile), Vol. 5, pp. 69-80 (1979).
28. F. G. Basombrío,
S. Pissanetzky and G. Sánchez. "Prediction of heat transfer by the finite
element method." Invited paper. Seminar on Computational Techniques
Applied to
Prediction of Heat and Matter Processes. Buenos Aires, Argentina (1979).
27. S. Pissanetzky.
"Curve fitting with minimized maximum error by the Simplex method of
mathematical optimization." Acta Scientifica of Venezuela, Vol. 29 (1979).
26. F. G. Basombrío,
G. Sánchez and S. Pissanetzky. "The finite element method in the physics
of continuum: achievements and works performed at the Atomic Center of
Bariloche." Second meeting on the Exchange of Computation Systems. Buenos
Aires, Argentina (1978).
25. S. Pissanetzky.
"Computation code for the direct solution of systems of linear algebraic
equations with sparse, symmetric and positive definite matrix: code
SPFACT." Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina, Report 15/78 (1978).
24. S. Pissanetzky.
"Implementation of a set of algorithms that employ sparse matrix
technology to solve problems of finite element analysis." XXVII annual
meeting of ASOVAC. Valencia, Venezuela (1977).
23. S. Pissanetzky.
"Calculation of field and electric gradient in molecular crystals for
studies of Stark effect of the nuclear quadrupole resonance." XXVII annual
meeting of ASOVAC. Valencia, Venezuela (1977).
22. S. Pissanetzky.
"Model of a two-dimensional reservoir formulated in terms of finite
element analysis." First Scientific-technical meeting, Faculty of
Engineering, Zulia University, Maracaibo, Venezuela (1977).
21. S. Pissanetzky.
"Using the Simplex method of mathematical optimization to solve an
inequation in absolute values." Mathematics and Physics Journal (Cumaná,
20. S. Pissanetzky.
"Theory of the Zeeman effect of the nitrogen-14 nuclear quadrupole
resonance with polycrystalline samples." Fourth International Symposium on
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. Osaka, Japan (1977). Published in J.
Magn. Res., Vol. 34, pp. 515-535 (1979).
19. S. Pissanetzky.
"Precision thermometry using nuclear quadrupole resonance." Second
Latin-American Symposium on Magnetic Resonance. Bogotá, Colombia (1976).
18. S. Pissanetzky.
"Physics for technology: application of nuclear resonance to oil well
logging." Mathematics and Physics Journal (Cumaná, Venezuela), II, Vol. 9,
pp. 7-14 (1975).
17. S. Pissanetzky.
"Tuning with single command for all stages of a radiotransmitter."
Journal of Telegraphics and Electronics Buenos Aires, 77-78 (1975).
16. J. Murgich and S.
Pissanetzky. "Temperature dependence of the nitrogen-14 nuclear quadrupole
resonance and the observation of the phase transition in cubic tetracyanoethylene."
J. Chem. Physics, Vol. 62, pp. 92-92 (1975).
15. S. Pissanetzky.
"A technological application of quadrupole resonance: thermometry."
61st. meeting of the Argentine Physical Society. La Plata, Argentina (1974).
14. J. Murgich and
S. Pissanetzky. "Nuclear quadrupole resonance of nitrogen-14 in potassium
tetracyanoquinodimethanide." Chem. Phys. Letters, Vol. 18, pp. 420-422
13. S. Pissanetzky.
"Zeeman effect of nitrogen-14 nuclear quadrupole resonance with
polycrystalline samples." J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 59, pp. 4197-4207 (1973).
12. M. W. Garrett
and S. Pissanetzky. "Polygonal coil systems for magnetic fields with
homogeneity of the fourth to the eighth order." Rev. Sci. Instr., Vol. 42,
pp. 840-857 (1971).
11. S. Pissanetzky,
A. Brunetti and J. Murgich. "Measurement of the asymmetry parameter of the
electric field gradient of the carbon-chlorine bond in
para-dichlorobenzene." 53rd. meeting of the Argentine Physical Society.
San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina (1970).
10. S. Pissanetzky.
"Design of polygonal coils to produce a uniform magnetic field."
53rd. meeting of the Argentine Physical Society. San Carlos de Bariloche,
Argentina (1970).
9. S. Pissanetzky,
C. A. Caroni and E. Manghi. "A simple method for determining the
orientation of magnetic axes in large single crystals for nuclear quadrupole
resonance observations." J. Sci. Instr. (J. of Physics E), Vol. 1, pp.
918-920 (1968). Also presented to the Panamerican Symposium on Applied
Mathematics, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1968).
8. S. Pissanetzky.
"Transition probabilities of the nuclear pure quadrupolar relaxation of
chlorine-35 in para-dichlorobenzene." Doctoral theses. Balseiro Institute
of the Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina, National University of Cuyo,
Argentina (1966).
7. S. Pissanetzky.
"Transition probabilities of the nuclear pure quadrupolar relaxation of
chlorine-35 in para-dichlorobenzene." J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 42, pp. 675-676
6. S. Pissanetzky.
"Theory of the autodyne quadrupolar oscillator." 44th. meeting of the
Argentine Physical Society. Buenos Aires, Argentina (1964).
5. S. Pissanetzky.
"Construction of a system for controlled low temperature." 42nd.
meeting of the Argentine Physical Society. Córdoba, Argentina (1963).
4. S. Pissanetzky.
"Oscillogram analizer." Journal of the Argentine Mathematical
Association (Buenos Aires), Vol. 21, pp. 57-68 (1962).
3. S. Pissanetzky.
"Spin-lattice coupling in the quadrupolar relaxation of para-dichloro
benzene." 38th. meeting of the Argentine Physical Society. Tucumán,
Argentina (1961).
2. M. Buyle-Bodin
and S. Pissanetzky. "Influence of the transitions m=1 and m=2 on the relaxation time in pure quadrupole
resonance'' (in French). Bulletin Ampère, 10e. annèe, fasc. special, pp.
451-455 (1961).
1. S. Pissanetzky.
"Design of coreless coils to produce a uniform magnetic field."
Ciencia y Técnica (Buenos Aires) Vol. 130, pp. 165-169 (1961).